Friday, March 27, 2009
Long Time, No See
Loyal Citizens,
I known it's been a long time since I published a blog but life is busy and that's a good thing. Never fear Semuh Breeze artist Kami- and Mikey. are gearing up to release some hot mix tapes, and if you haven't already heard-check ouy thr circulation of the latest Wierdo Music cuts at Big ups to my boy LJ for supporting us.
I known it's been a long time since I published a blog but life is busy and that's a good thing. Never fear Semuh Breeze artist Kami- and Mikey. are gearing up to release some hot mix tapes, and if you haven't already heard-check ouy thr circulation of the latest Wierdo Music cuts at Big ups to my boy LJ for supporting us.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Great News
We are happy to report that Shelly Trujillo, friend, photographer and Semuh Breeze Promotions O.G., is doing fine. The Mrs. and I had the pleasure of spending a part if our afternoon with Shelly and her husband Patrick. The four of us laughed and talked about some common interests-music, production and gaming. I'm happy to inform you that Shelly is inspired and we are going to move forward with her book - more detauls to come! We assure you it will be a must have. And I also want to clear something up - Patrick, XBox is just BETTER than PS3-sorry brotha! Just kidding. No, but really it is. Just kidding. Shout out to all thr loyal citizens that understood that reference. Shout out to Shelly-keep getting better and to Patrick-keep supporting; you're a rock Hermano!. One!
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Fellow Citizens,
For the latest in fashion, fitness and feeling good-check out my girl, The TrendQueen, at And stay tuned to XNDradio for the latest in underground hip-hip and more. I'll help you out-that's: - don't say I never did anything for ya.
For the latest in fashion, fitness and feeling good-check out my girl, The TrendQueen, at And stay tuned to XNDradio for the latest in underground hip-hip and more. I'll help you out-that's: - don't say I never did anything for ya.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Life Music
Citizens of Zamunda,
Tonight was awesome. Kami- and Mikey. Met with Blackberry Jones at local studio Life Music. Engineers liked the Wierdo Music sound and are allowing the guys to pen some lyrics for a D&G add-yes D&G along with Universal are in search of local talent, shouts out to Blackberry Jones for introducing Semuh Breeze to Life Music. I'm not sure what this is going to turn in to, but things are positive and kn tjr move. Along with that we linked up with local producer Chill Will and that relationship looks very promising. Stay tuned for more news, and don't forget to check out Poetry Night at Life Music April 17-more to come on that.
Tonight was awesome. Kami- and Mikey. Met with Blackberry Jones at local studio Life Music. Engineers liked the Wierdo Music sound and are allowing the guys to pen some lyrics for a D&G add-yes D&G along with Universal are in search of local talent, shouts out to Blackberry Jones for introducing Semuh Breeze to Life Music. I'm not sure what this is going to turn in to, but things are positive and kn tjr move. Along with that we linked up with local producer Chill Will and that relationship looks very promising. Stay tuned for more news, and don't forget to check out Poetry Night at Life Music April 17-more to come on that.
Blackberry Jones,
Chill Will,
Life Music,
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Mikey Dot Right B
Just wrapped up a meeting with Mikey, Wierdo Music!, the kid got a lot of tricks up his sleeve. I know he's a soldier 'cause last night didn't phase him-we still on it Citizens. Get ready for that mixtape Aviano-serious skills. Yes, Mikey Dot, another reason why hip-hop lives here.
EGO Trippin'
So last night I learned (or reaffirmed) some valuable lessons:
1. It's not only not about where you're from but where you're at but also how you act!
2. Grown men (regardless of "growness" aka age) should act accordingly. Little boys-do what you do.
3. You earn fame, it cannot be packaged, taken or otherwwise bootlegged.
I read an article in last months XXL where this brother was talking about changes due to come in urban culture. These changes are mostly a by-product of electing a minority to the most powerful seat in the free world. We came together as people from different parts of the country to make that happen, and that is why I'm surprised when 10 dudes can't work together and vibe with the same goal of entertaining the masses. Shout out to Kami-Dash and Mikey.Dot for having a good time regardless- y'all gone make it. Shout outs to DJ A-Boogie - happy birthday man!
Give me 10 REAL - NO EGO TRIPPIN- BUSINESS MINDED people any day and SBP will do our thing- no doubt. Hip-hop is about self expression, freedom and unity - do your homework! Push reset.
So last night I learned (or reaffirmed) some valuable lessons:
1. It's not only not about where you're from but where you're at but also how you act!
2. Grown men (regardless of "growness" aka age) should act accordingly. Little boys-do what you do.
3. You earn fame, it cannot be packaged, taken or otherwwise bootlegged.
I read an article in last months XXL where this brother was talking about changes due to come in urban culture. These changes are mostly a by-product of electing a minority to the most powerful seat in the free world. We came together as people from different parts of the country to make that happen, and that is why I'm surprised when 10 dudes can't work together and vibe with the same goal of entertaining the masses. Shout out to Kami-Dash and Mikey.Dot for having a good time regardless- y'all gone make it. Shout outs to DJ A-Boogie - happy birthday man!
Give me 10 REAL - NO EGO TRIPPIN- BUSINESS MINDED people any day and SBP will do our thing- no doubt. Hip-hop is about self expression, freedom and unity - do your homework! Push reset.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
FEELing Club
If you aren't here right now your missing out. Kami- and Mikey dot are about to bring the house down, I'll keep you posted.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
All We Need is Love
True Life: So MC O-Supreme calls me up and asks me for a favor; he needed to drop off a car to a relative and wanted someone to follow him on the way there-standard friend request so of I course ablidged the young lad and did his favor.. When we got to his in-laws (future), I was treated as if I where an old friend. Grandparents stood eagerly from their seats to greet us. O's future mother I'm law even made he a snack (it was like flan but not really) and we sat and laughed at what appeared to be "millionaire" albanian style. All the while I was amazed at how relaxed everyone was. I could feel the comfortable silence of love and togetherness in the air (or maybe it was the fact that I don't speak Albanian and they don't speak English). Tonight, one of my life long philosophies was reaffirmed: deep down to the core, we're all really great people. Hard contrast to the days horrible attacks, but I still believe.
Monday, March 9, 2009
DJ A-Boogie Does it Again Folks!!!

Citizens of Zamunda,
We're here in the lab once again! Things are coming together in preparation for this weekend's show. Mikey-Dot and Kami- are on fire and DJ A-Boogie is putting work in producing one of the hottest tracks I've heard in a while. If you haven't heard that "Back to Business" yet you should visit Kami-'s site and check it out. , and also visit his blog page at . Hit him up - tell him what you think of the cut and wish us luck this weekend as we go out and do the damn thang man! We're shopping around a demo for Mikey and things are looking good. We're hoping to work with some producers from Belgium and of course visit the Semuh Breeze Promotions blog to stay in the know.
Robert "Bobby" Du'Vall Humes, Sr.
Semuh Breeze Promotions
Semuh Breeze Promotions
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Shelly Trujillo
I know most of the followers out there were probably expecting a blog about the event that went in at the Over Club tonight. I can't write about that right now. A friend, artist/photographer and rising star that has been with SBP since the begining is very ill. I'm not exactly sure what is wrong with Shelly but she is in the hospital and from what I hear she is not doing very well.. Shelly and I where slated to work on tonights project, we're planning her first book release and working on future photo projects with various artists. To sum it up - the girl is talented. As I think about what is happening to her and her husband, I realize that every breath we take is precious. I know you've heard that before. I'm going to visit her in the hospital when I wake up. I know she won't know Im there but I can be there for Patrick, her husband-a real cool cat. Shelly we wish you a speedy recovery and I can't wait to work with again. If you're inclined and you understand-say a prayer of well wishes for Shelly and Patrick.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Tonight was great, the Mrs. and I spent the night sitting around a fire with some peeps from her office-sharing stories and laughing our heads off. It was the perfect ending to a frustrating evening that started off with us sitting through a HORRIBLE movie (the one where the guys want to be cheerleaders so that can go to cheer camp-idiotic at best) and disapointment that I didn't get that Kami- track. Life goes on, and as I searched the clouds watching spring roll in I realized that life is more than deadlines and expectations, it's about sharing life with others around you. Just dome thoughts.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
The best part about being in charge of Semuh Breeze Promitions is viewing the artist as they grow and develop. Kami- and Mikey. have been on the grind! These guys are buffy the vampire slaying beats left and right. Big ups to Kami- for aggresively penning that new "Back to Business" cut hot off the hit rack from DJ A-Boogie - of course. The cut is a lyrical masterpeice and I was one of the first to hear it. Truely an honor. Stay focused citizens, Semuh Breeze is on the march-keep in step!
Mobile Blogging from here.
Mobile Blogging from here.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Just picked up a hot new track from DJ A-Boogie fir the March 14th show. Kami is going to kill this beat-I know it. Seriously you really shouldn't miss this show; if you don't go you won't know!
Just picked up a hot new track from DJ A-Boogie fir the March 14th show. Kami is going to kill this beat-I know it. Seriously you really shouldn't miss this show; if you don't go you won't know!
Count 'Em
I'm not trying to be on some Rev. Run type trip-but take a moment to count your blessings. When was the last time you paused and took a moment to appreciate your good fortune, your "good hand", or that horseshoe stuck up your ass? As I lay here next to my beautiful wife- I realize that I am one lucky cat.
As I strive to push talented people to their max I realize that I'm fortunate to have the chance to do so. This local industry scene may seem small but to us it's so much bigger. I feel presidential. I wish the same for you in your endeavors. Take a moment to count the blessings and appreciate every opportunity you have (or can create) to achieve your goals. Dream It. Believe It. Produce It.
I'm not trying to be on some Rev. Run type trip-but take a moment to count your blessings. When was the last time you paused and took a moment to appreciate your good fortune, your "good hand", or that horseshoe stuck up your ass? As I lay here next to my beautiful wife- I realize that I am one lucky cat.
As I strive to push talented people to their max I realize that I'm fortunate to have the chance to do so. This local industry scene may seem small but to us it's so much bigger. I feel presidential. I wish the same for you in your endeavors. Take a moment to count the blessings and appreciate every opportunity you have (or can create) to achieve your goals. Dream It. Believe It. Produce It.
In Focus,
Big thanks to the folks over at WeGetBusy Media! The site looks great , kudos to Cory (Da Yes We Can Man) Bryant/CEO of the WGB dynasty. Hey people, it's good to know people. Take your time, visit the blog, comment and tell us what you think.
Big thanks to the folks over at WeGetBusy Media! The site looks great , kudos to Cory (Da Yes We Can Man) Bryant/CEO of the WGB dynasty. Hey people, it's good to know people. Take your time, visit the blog, comment and tell us what you think.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
In Da Lab
In preparation for next weeks show me and the guys are chillin with DJ A-Boogie. I'm excited I know the guys are excited - the biggest thing on my mind right now is - "wait till the world gets a hold of this!" These guys bring straight hip hop and have fun with it - Kami is multifacited and can really own a beat, Mikey is so chill with his rhymes you'd think he was born with a mic in his hand. I have faith in them, they'll be big, with focus and determination - they will make it. Will you? Stay gridin'.
Robert "Bobby" Du'Vall Humes, Sr.
Semuh Breeze Promotions
In preparation for next weeks show me and the guys are chillin with DJ A-Boogie. I'm excited I know the guys are excited - the biggest thing on my mind right now is - "wait till the world gets a hold of this!" These guys bring straight hip hop and have fun with it - Kami is multifacited and can really own a beat, Mikey is so chill with his rhymes you'd think he was born with a mic in his hand. I have faith in them, they'll be big, with focus and determination - they will make it. Will you? Stay gridin'.
Robert "Bobby" Du'Vall Humes, Sr.
Semuh Breeze Promotions
DJ Haze!!! Purple Haze Tour/DJ A-Boogie's Birthday Bash

Take heed! Kami- and Mikey-Dot have been asked to perform at the FEELing Club, Saturday, March 14, 2009. This is a big opportunity for the guys and I couldn't be more happy with the way things are going in the Semuh Breeze Camp. You SHOULD plan on being at this event! Da Prez, DJ A-Boogie, Steve and SOUNDCITY are bringing you the hottest . Big ups to my boy DJ A-Boogie for inviting us to be apart of this event.
Robert "Bobby" Du'Vall Humes, Sr.
Semuh Breeze Promotions
Semuh Breeze Promotions
Monday, March 2, 2009
Semuh Breeze Promotions is proud to be a part of the hottest promotion grouping in Northern Italy. SBP, Source Ent and EuroGen Ent have organized the illest Saturday Night this town has ever seen! SBP will be on location filming the event and if you don't show you won't know! Get at me-I know how to get there.
Ladies and gentlemen! Semuh Breeze Promotions is proud to present Mikey to the SBP camp. This MC is talented, energetic and brings a hip-hop rock feel to the stage. Mikey hails from ATL but sounds more like a Harlem prince! If you're local (Aviano, Italy) you should come check him out next Friday-contact me for more details.
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