It's spring time, guys, the sun is shining (well most of the time), flowers are budding and the birds and the bees are out and about. It's time for guys to bear some skin and turn some heads!!
Let me tell you: there is nothing worse than going out to the club and seeing a fine brother chillin' with his friends and finding out once he comes over that all you can think is that you're happy that the club is outdoors otherwise you would have fainted from the cloud of perfume or sweat stink that precedes and follows him! This is the perfect time to test run your deodorant! If it's failing you, please try and try again until you find one that works!! But that's not what I planned to write about today..
Most ladies love the smell of a well groomed man but we also hate to smell your cologne ten seconds before you reach us and ten seconds after you walk away! Always keep in mind that your nose gets used to perfumes and smells it's exposed to most often so even though it may seem like you're not wearing enough because YOU can't smell it, doesn't mean that we can't! Besides, would you rather have a woman wrinkle her nose as soon as you close in for a few words or would you rather she came in closer and sniffed at your neck and asked you what that wonderful smell is?
When purchasing cologne also keep in mind that some smell darker and heavier than others and should probably be worn in the cold winter months. One of my favourites for those dark and cold winter months is YSL's M7: guaranteed to get a sister close enough to want to keep smelling you! As warm weather rolls around change your cologne. It reacts to body heat so a fresher, cleaner scent is best for the spring and summer months! Tommy by Tommy Hilfiger is always a good choice but my current favourite is Clinique's Happy.
Keep smelling good,
Keep smelling good,
A&R/FashionistaSemuh Breeze Fashions
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