As we have reported, over and over again, Hip-Hop is in a state of global emergency. Ringtoned, autotuned, and lacking substance, Hip-Hop has fallen below the standards of self expression which fueled creativity and connected the artists and fans in the beginning. Enter Donny Goines, an MC that can actually MCs and believes that the level of his hustle is far more important than the toys it yields. Inspired by the movie "Fade to Black" DG (Donny Goines) decided to become a serious Hip Hop artist and hasn't looked back since. His lyrical prowess is just what east coast hip-hop and global Hip-Hop heads need to come back to the fold. We had the opportunity to correspond with DG via the internet (I love technology) and this is how it went down.
Q: Finish this statement: "Hip-hop is......."
"The only thing I've ever had a true passion for."
Q: Thanks for doing this interview, your a busy man nowadays-how do you manage the pressure?
"There is no real pressure in my opinion. I answer to myself essentially. No quotas to meet, deadlines to make, etc. I move on my own accord so I'm really just enjoying the ride and moving at my own pace. Music doesn't really get me too stressed actually, it's everything else around it that does but I just keep my cool and never let em see me sweat. "
Q: What motivates you?
"Money, women, fame, all these things of byproducts of me making music. They never motivated my actions. I do this because my heart is in it and I love what I do. When I create music and perform I feel so elated and nothing can really replace that in my opinion. I just one to be one of the greats one day. That's my motivation."
Q: You spent some time in the military; what effect does that have on your flow?
"None whatsoever. It does inspire my hustle and drive though. I learned in the Military that I can really do anything I put my mind to and my efforts are proof of that. I learned how to really disipline myself, work well with others and keep a certain "edge" so it that respect it was very beneficial to me."
Q: What can we expect to hear on "The Breakfast Club" LP?
"The listeners can expect to hear an eclectic blend of sounds and vibes on this album. I have all sorts of different concepts and themes to it which help to paint a picture with the music. It features artists such as Skyzoo, Amanda Diva, Tanya Morgan, Planet Asia and Producers such as Dame Grease, Statik Selektah, Kwame and Buckwild just to name a few. You can download it for free right now and all I ask in return is if you like it, just spread the word."
Q: East coast hip-hop is in a slump, what do you think needs to happen to bring it back?
"I think that artists from my city in the forefront need to really unify and work together in order to make things better for us as a whole. It's not going to be an overnight thing, but if we all work together and try hard it's possible to rebuild what others before us have destroyed."
Q: Any tour dates in the future?
"You can expect to catch me all over the place this year. Now that the album is out there I can focus on performing more then ever so look out for me in your local city and town. I will be traveling everywhere I can to spread my name and music out there."
Q: Work hard, play hard--how do you unwind?
"I don't. I just work harder then most and will unwind when its time to stop the clock. Other then that, it's music 24/7. That's my idea of fun."
Q: Seems like hooks make the track and you got some ill ones-what's your dream collabo?
"I don't really have a "dream" collab per say, but if I could make a record with anybody out there I would just make sure it is an amazing effort. I really don't think about things like that though to be honest, I just focus on making music with whoevers around me at the moment. Other then that, what happens in the future who knows?
Q: Last Question--What's your five year plan?
"God willing I will have a Grammy on the mantle somewhere, along with a nice house to put it in ha ha. Other then that though, I just hope I'm still here making great music and having fun doing what it is what I love. That's the best five year plan I could ever hope for. Hit me back in 2014 and let's see where I'm at though."
2014 it is, thanks for taking the time out of your busy schedule to correspond with us.
"Much love and God Bless. Thank you for the support."
Robert "Bobby" Du'Vall Humes, Sr.
Semuh Breeze Promotions
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