Tuesday, March 3, 2009

In Da Lab


In preparation for next weeks show me and the guys are chillin with DJ A-Boogie. I'm excited I know the guys are excited - the biggest thing on my mind right now is - "wait till the world gets a hold of this!" These guys bring straight hip hop and have fun with it - Kami is multifacited and can really own a beat, Mikey is so chill with his rhymes you'd think he was born with a mic in his hand. I have faith in them, they'll be big, with focus and determination - they will make it. Will you? Stay gridin'.


Robert "Bobby" Du'Vall Humes, Sr.
Semuh Breeze Promotions

1 comment:

  1. What up! Just showin some love for the man that can. Stay focused and we will hold it down!

    Kami Dash Kazi

